The Politics
of History in China-Japan Relations
China and Japan must remember the
past, but not live forever in its shadow
This article is part of The Diplomat’s series
exploring historical issues in Northeast Asia in the run-up to Japanese Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe’s statement on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War
Every nation has at least two
histories, one about the origin and evolution of its civilization (the “us”),
the other about its interactions with the outside world (the “other”). The two
histories are often closely intertwined, as the (mis)presentation of the us can
be heavily shaped by (mis)presentation of the other. This is particularly true
in the case of China, which suffered “a century of humiliation” at the hands of
foreign powers. Of all these foreign powers, Japan has had undoubtedly the most
important impact on the post-1949 Chinese presentation of itself, primarily
because of the Japanese invasion and occupation of China during World War II.
A cornerstone of the Chinese
Communist Party’s legitimacy rests on the claim that it played the leading role
in the eight-year war of resistance against Japan from 1937 to 1945. It founded
the People’s Republic of China in 1949, after defeating the Japanese aggressors
(with help from Americans and the Nationalists, of course) and then routing the
Nationalists themselves. It is certainly true that “without the Chinese Communist
Party, there will be no new China.”
The war against Japan thus helped
the Communist Party to define itself as the standard-bearer of Chinese
nationalism and the savior of China. But this does not necessarily mean that
the Communist Party would frequently invoke the history of that war—especially
Japanese atrocities against the Chinese people—so as to condemn the Japanese to
perennial repentance and to justify its rule over China. On the contrary, in
the first two decades of the new China, Japan was largely invisible in both
Chinese domestic politics and its foreign policy. The bilateral relationship
was arguably at its best in the two decades after its normalization in 1972.
When a 3,000-plus-member Japanese youth delegation visited China in 1984, at
the invitation of the then-general secretary of the Communist Party Hu Yaobang,
it seemed as if Chinese leaders were ready to let bygones be bygones.
But beginning in the mid-1990s,
history related to Japanese textbooks, (un)official visits to the Yasukuni
Shrine, and comfort women emerged as the most contentious and emotional issues
between the two countries. As a result, Beijing has repeatedly demanded a
written apology from Tokyo for its wrongdoings during the war (especially after
the former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung got one during his 1998 visit to
Japan), and Japan-bashing has become the most potent face of Chinese
nationalism. Meanwhile, disputes over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands—an issue that
was on the back-burner of bilateral relations for more than half a century—not
only further inflame Chinese public opinion, but also add to negative Japanese
views of China.
Now that the 70th anniversary of the
Japanese surrender is approaching, many Chinese are wondering how Japanese
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will address the “inconvenient” history of World War
II. But history is never neutral; it is the selective (mis)presentation of
things past by those who monopolize the power of discourse. When ordinary
Chinese are bombarded daily with TV series and movies that remind them of
Chinese sufferings and Japanese atrocities in World War II, they shouldn’t be
surprised that their Japanese counterparts are given textbooks that “whitewash”
Japanese behavior during that period. History is merely a pawn on the chessboard
of domestic and international politics.
So what is the future like for the
two countries “separated by a strip of water”? To look to the future is not to
forget the past. It is imperative for Tokyo to reexamine and face up to its
responsibility for wartime atrocities. To apologize—verbally or in written
form—is relatively easy, but to internalize and institutionalize repentance is
much more difficult. That’s why apologies by Japanese leaders have failed to
win forgiveness from those who suffered the most under Japanese occupation.
On the other hand, to remember the
past is not to live forever in the shadow of the past. Thus Beijing should also
examine its share of responsibility for the current state of the bilateral
relationship. Whereas under Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, neither history nor
the territorial dispute was a salient issue, today they are the most
controversial issues between the two countries. To be sure, leaders are
different; so are the times in which they live. And today’s China and Japan are
different from what they used to be in many crucial aspects. But if the current
leadership in Beijing believes that constantly refreshing the Chinese people’s
memories of the past is one of the most convenient ways to shore up its
domestic legitimacy, then the bilateral relationship is destined to become even
worse, no matter how sincerely Japanese leaders apologize for that past.
In international politics, you
cannot choose your neighbors, nor can you choose how you are treated by your
neighbors. But you can certainly choose how to treat your neighbors. On this
important occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Japanese surrender, it is
high time for China and Japan to rethink how they have treated each other.
History is not to be forgotten, but neither should it be politicized for
short-term gains. Otherwise controversies over history may lead to a repeat of
In the end, the treatment of the
other can be the mirror image of how one treats the us. Every nation has dark
moments in the treatment of its own people, such as slavery for Americans and
the Gulag for Russians. It takes unusual moral courage and political will for
leaders to squarely confront those moments and to truthfully tell their people
what happened, how it happened, and what should be done to avoid such mistakes
in the future. Those leaders who do so command the moral high ground in both
domestic and international politics.
XIE Tao is professor of political
science at the School of English and International
Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
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