Om Swastiastu ...read the full report at http://www.balidiscovery.com/update/update761.asp
Top news this week is the highly critical article in TIME Magazine describing Bali as a "Holiday in Hell." We've got coverage of the governor's reaction to the article; a clean up of Kuta beach possibly triggered by the article; and a call for East Bali to take notice of the TIME article coming from a local NGO chief.
Is Bali going to the dogs? We think the vote's not in yet, but we've got good news on the fight against rabies and detais of an art exhibition in May dedicated to helping Bali's canine population.
In other news: Denpasar decides not to issue any new licenses for convenience stores; the Minister of Culture and Tourism assures that Bali will have a train system by 2014; a call for more funding to extend the pier at the Tanah Ampo Cruise terminal; a new "single tax" policy to permit the continued importation of foreign feature films; a victory for the people of Beraban village near Tanah Lot in their battle to obtain a larger say in the management of that tourism object; and a more "foreigner friendly" approach promised in the draft of a new immigration law.
Hotel news includes an update on the closing ordered for the Best Western in Kuta; how the Nikko Bali Resort and Spa is helping to protect local turtle populations; and a lenient sentence handed down for the manager or a local night spot convicted of organizing nude dancers for client's at the "Blue Eye's Karaoke Lounge."
There's a concerning article on an ill-fated and very expensive government program to establish computerized tourist information centers; an editorial on why Bali needs more legal certainty and transparency; and an order to inspect 23 Boeing 737s for possible tears in their fuselages.
Nigel Mason of the Bali Elephant Safari Park is featured in the April edition of "Penthouse" (Australia).
Looking for something to do in Bali.
• Global Change film Festival this week in Ubud April 12-17, 2011.
• Oh! For Dogs' Sake – an art exhibition dedicated to dogs May 21-June 21, 2011 in Seminyak.
• An art exhibition by I Wayan Andita and Rie Mandala at the Ganesha Gallery May 5-30, 2011.
I'm speaking Tuesday night (tomorrow) at the Ubud Rotary Club at the Casa Luna at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you there!
Contact www.balidiscovery.com if you need help finding rooms over the coming busy Easter Holidays in Bali.
All this, and more, this week's edition!
Om Çanti Çanti Çanti Om ...
J.M. Daniels - Bali Update
Bali Discovery Tours
thank you for listing us, Kerry! hope to see you at the exhibition!