These provisions are based on
the idea of ‘competitive neutrality’. This clause aims to stop SOEs from
receiving an advantage over their private competitors by virtue of their
connection to their home state.
But why not welcome subsidised foreign capital?
There are two important
reasons that competitive neutrality is on the radar for TPP negotiators: first,
cheap state capital can theoretically reduce the ability of other competitors
to compete for investment opportunities on commercial terms. Second, SOEs can
appear more likely to indulge in irrational strategic investment behaviour such
as tying-up the supply of strategic resources on behalf of the state.
Competitive neutrality is
one consideration when managing investment from SOEs. But so is understanding
that the 12 TPP signatory nations are competing for investors with the rest of
the world. Blindly increasing the barriers to entry for foreign SOE capital by applying penalties
if they receive discounted loans would be a free kick for countries that aren’t
signatories to the TPP.
The issues inherent in
welcoming international capital flows from SOEs were laid bare during the dark
days of the Chinalco-Rio Tinto debacle in Australia in 2009. Australian
politicians — influenced by public apprehension, cultivated by a well-placed
competitor public relations campaign — appeared to be jumping at Chinese
shadows, hastening to roll up the red carpet and slam the proverbial door on
SOE investors.
A leaked US embassy cable
about the new foreign investment guidelines quoted an official from Australia’s Foreign
Investment Review Board (FIRB) as saying: ‘The new guidelines reduce
uncertainty for potential investors, but pose new disincentives for
larger-scale Chinese investments. … The new guidelines are mainly due to
growing concerns about Chinese investments in the strategic resources sector’.
These ‘new disincentives’
discussed by FIRB management appeared rather strong. From 2002 to 2009, only
one of the nine major Chinese investments in iron ore was outside of Australia.
From 2009 to 2012, 10 of 21 deals were made with countries other than
Australia. While other factors played a role in China’s retreat from
Australia’s red dirt, such as the Sino Iron-CITIC Pacific comedy hour
and the increased cost of doing business in the Pilbara, where most of
Australia’s iron ore is
mined, Australia’s ad hoc reforms certainly improved the prospects for
Australia’s iron ore competitors in Canada, Peru, Brazil, Russia and Guinea.
More broadly, an examination of China’s
investment in iron ore — still the commodity of greatest interest to
Australia — provides valuable information about how competitive neutrality
works in practice.
First of all, Chinese SOEs
do distort competitive neutrality. Loans from Chinese state banking
institutions provide preferential access for SOEs and are based on
international benchmarks plus a margin, which is generally lower than that available
from commercial institutions.
But the question is whether
this distortion of competitive neutrality actually harms the market. Evidence
from the iron ore industry shows that it doesn’t. And preferential loans been a
feature of developments by other investors who have received state-related
loans, for example from Japan and South Korea, as well as from China.
From 2002 to 2012, 25 of 30
Chinese iron ore investments around the world were made by SOEs. Of these 30
investments, 21 were made by firms with an operating competency in mining. Only
one of the investments was by a specialised iron ore miner.
But these Chinese iron ore
investors increased rather than decreased partnership opportunities for
non-Chinese iron ore investment. Chinese SOEs most often took minority equity
positions in partnership with specialised non-Chinese iron ore firms. Joint
ventures and minority acquisitions dominated Chinese iron ore investments (22
out of 30 investments).
So while Chinese SOE
investment may distort our ideas of competitive neutrality, in the case of iron
ore it didn’t appear to reduce the ability of competitors to compete for
investment opportunities on commercial terms. In fact, Chinese SOE investment
increased access to partnership opportunities for non-Chinese iron ore
Similarly, critics have also
expressed concern about the potential for Chinese iron ore procurers to tie-up
supply. By ‘locking up’ strategic
resources, state-backed firms would thus be able to strategically
withhold resources from foreign steel producers, such as in Japan, Taiwan and
South Korea.
But new research of
a sample of 50 Chinese iron ore procurement arrangements shows that instead of
tying-up resources, China’s iron ore procurement arrangements broadened the
competitive global supply base. Only 63.8 per cent of projected iron ore output
from Chinese projects was reserved through long-term contracts by Chinese
buyers. This increased access to iron ore for other buyers in the Asian market.
While the experience of
Chinese SOE investment in iron ore may not be wholly transferrable to
agriculture or other strategic industries, it shows that blanket slogans like
‘competitive neutrality’ don’t make Australia more competitive. As the TPP
negotiations begin the sprint to the finish
line, Australia needs to come to terms with the complex realities of
dealing with SOEs or risk sitting on the sidelines as its competitors prosper.
Luke Hurst is a Research
Fellow at the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research, Crawford School of Public
Policy, The Australian National University.
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