Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Lesson in Antiterrorism: Aid for INDONESIAN Islamic Schools Works

Few might think that the recent natural disasters in the Australian state of Queensland could have any connection with the future of underprivileged students in Indonesia’s Islamic schools.

But the Australian opposition leader’s proposal to cut aid for these madrassas as a substitute for the prime minister’s levy to pay for flood reconstruction has raised concerns over the effect that diverting support for these schools could have on Australia’s counterterrorism agenda.

Foreign aid can be an effective tool in the war on terror through poverty reduction and education programs. Research on the economics of crime suggests that poverty and lack of education have a correlation to illegal activities. A 2003 study, for example, suggested that terrorism should be perceived as a response to political conditions and longstanding feelings of indignity and frustration, although the authors’ investigation of different movements, including Hezbollah, found that terrorists were also recruited in no small part from those with relatively wealthy and educated backgrounds.

In the history of terrorism in Indonesia, Noordin M. Top and Azahari Husin, key suspects in several bombings, were educated people with a bachelor of science and a PhD, respectively. But they were the intellectuals — not representative of the typical rank and file of terrorist groups.

Ensuring that radical ideologies do not metastasize throughout society is thus an important part of counterterrorism. And here, religious education is still education. It is about intellectual development and teaching students how to become responsible members of their community. In this respect, investing in religious education is similar to investing in “regular” or secular education.

The socioeconomic effects of Islamic education also have additional benefits. One of the strengths of madrassas is their ability to reach young people at risk of dropping out of school, such as school-age married girls and female students from poor families. In some rural areas, madrassas are the only schools that are available and able to deliver basic education to students from low-income families. Australian support for Islamic schools is therefore strategic in terms of achieving income equality and the Millennium Development Goals here.

This goodwill with Indonesia may also contribute to Australia’s own economic growth, given Indonesia’s position as one of its major trading partners. With its sizeable population and positive economic growth, trading with Indonesia promises a bright future. But this requires stable macroeconomic performance, and the country’s experience suggests this is closely related to political stability and the stabilizing force of religious life.

Violence committed in the name of religion continues to occur. And while most Indonesians view such violence as an indication of the Indonesian government’s failure to protect its citizens against radical acts, and direct aid to combat terrorism appears uncertain, Australian aid toward the development of madrassas may help to prevent the spread of radicalism here.

Religion has always proven an effective mobilizer of people. Here, the role of religious leaders is evident. Leaders of religious institutions, such as pesantren , traditional Islamic boarding schools, contribute to the formation of social capital, particularly in the form of religiosity, but also in terms of improved welfare. Acknowledging the importance of Islamic organizations is therefore an essential step to engaging in Indonesia’s development.

Investing in education is a long-term effort, and the benefits are not immediately obvious. A reduction in the number of terrorist attacks is one important measure of success, but it is not the only measure and certainly not sufficient in itself to gauge the success of Australian aid. The perception of madrassas as breeding grounds for terrorism is a misconception; only a handful of alumni have a history of links with terrorist organizations.

In Australia, it is also important to continuously promote an understanding of Islamic values. Islam is derived from the same root as the word salaam (peace), and the first verse in the Koran is Iqra (read), suggesting the high importance of being knowledgeable and contributing to humanity in a peaceful way.

Any terrorist act that claims to be in the name of Islam is premised on a false interpretation of its beliefs. Assisting Islamic schools and working with religious leaders in delivering values that promote respect for others should be the most effective way to reduce such acts.

By Risti Permani postdoctoral research fellow in economics at the University of Adelaide. Her PhD study is focused on the economic aspect of Islamic education in Indonesia. East Asia Forum

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