Monday, January 9, 2017

Barack Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for America and the rest of the world. He leaves the Presidency in far worse shape than when he won it

Barack Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for America and the rest of the world. He leaves the Presidency in far worse shape than when he won it

Barack Obama will give his farewell speech tomorrow and it will be interesting if he can find something to say that will induce applause from anyone bar the stick insect, Turnbull and hard Left Democrats.

His legacy is a flammable Islamic cauldron of discord.

One hundred years ago T E Lawrence (of Arabia), described Arabia this way: "Their idea of nationality is the independence of tribes and parishes and their idea of national union is episodic with a combined resistance to an intruder. Constructive politics, an organised state, and an extensive empire are not only beyond their capacity, but anathema to their instincts…Unless we, or our Allies, make an efficient Arab empire, there will never be more than a discordant mosaic of provisional administrations.”

Guilty of war crimes the equal of the Turks, his homosexual disposition was hidden from the Arabs he considered his friends. But the Arabs never trusted him for good reason.

He wrote again on August 22 1920: "In Mesopotamia (now Iraq), the people of England have been led into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honour. They have been tricked into it by a steady withholding of information. The Baghdad communiqués are belated, insincere and incomplete. Things have been far worse than we have been told, our administration more bloody and inefficient than the public knows … We are today not far from a disaster."

 It appears nothing has changed, yet the West still imagines there’s a light at the end of this endless tunnel.

Bush the younger, Obama, the British and French are responsible for millions dead (many of their own) and almost a billion displaced and the fomenting of a deep hatred that now expresses itself in guerrilla warfare in our cities, malls and back yards.

Armed with a suicide vest, a knife in one hand and the Koran in the other, the modern jihadist has displayed a military cunning borne in Bedouin tribal warfare devoid of any competitive army, navy or air force. It knows what it wants and death is merely an inevitable token cost.

But there are two main players in the wings, Turkey and Russia. They sit, waiting for a far more costly outcome. Both have been dismantled, the USSR and the Ottoman Empire were once bitter enemies with Russia demanding Constantinople as part of the carve-up post Lawrence’s Arab revolt.

The League of Nations (now the U.N.) decreed 56.47% of Palestine be given to the Jewish State and 43.53% to the Arabs. The Palestinians violently opposed this plan but the Jewish forces immediately wrested control of their U.N.-allocated share of Palestine, as well as some extra Arab territory. Yep, the good ol’ UN was at it way back then too.

Britain withdrew from the region on May 14, 1948 and a State of Israel was proclaimed for the first time in nearly 2,000 years... and they will never relinquish it.

The next day, five Arab armies from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq invaded Israel. 

But historians will never agree on Lawrence’s arguable “successes”. Back in England his victories were seen as romantic ones and had captured and held the public’s and the film studios’ adoration of him.

In 1917 Lawrence wrote in utter despair at the insoluble complexity of Arab tribalism and Western arrogance: "I've decided to go off alone to Damascus (Syria), hoping to get killed on the way ... We are calling for them to fight for us on the basis of a lie, and I can't stand it."

But he didn't die until back in England when he was riding his motor bike flat out. He crashed at 90 mph trying to avoid two kids who suddenly appeared in front of him. He was just 45 years old.

Whether it’s John Kerry, that fool Hillary Clinton, or Lawrence of Arabia, the West will never understand the dysfunctional Arab mind and it will continue to cause wars that finish on our doorstep. 

And the Arab world is not now something we can divorce ourselves from, not now that Pyongyang is assembling ICBMs with nuclear warheads that can reach Hawaii if not LA or New York.


Kim Jong-un had an invisible seat at the very table where Obama and John Kerry gave the Iranians a path to nuclear weapons. Everything Iran knows, Pyongyang knows. Each has had observers at every weapons test and each has exchanged nuclear secrets and material for the past 20 years.

North Korea is not a loony Arab nation we can ignore, it is under the wing of China, it borders Russia and is within our and Japan’s region of military concern. Thanks Obama!

America cannot take out the Zika Kid without the unlikely agreement of China. 

The fact is America knows little of the Crusades and even less of the danger that Turkey now represents and nought of the Russian-Crimean-Ukrainian fuse. It is merely intent on starting a new cold war with Russia and inexplicably has Turkey as a partner in NATO. 

That is an incendiary mix and it’s doubtful even Trump will understand the consequences of ignoring it.

                                                                The Turkey carve-up

TE Lawrence and Obama both left the Middle East in an horrific state where the carve-ups are yet to be settled with likely a million more deaths and millions more displaced with evil intentions in Europe via a Turkey, which conveniently straddles both Europe and Asia, and it is determined to regain its Islamic Ottoman Empire just as fervently as Russia is determined to regain its Soviet States.

Trump, Erdogan and Putin will now be in a battle of the minds where Trump can at least be competitive. Barack Obama had no chance. He simply deserted Israel and left it to take out Iran alone... again.

So when Obama rises to give his departing address this week he will speak of himself in glowing terms and be met with a thousand pairs of rolling eyes.


Larry Pickering

Four-time Walkley Award winning political commentator and Churchill Fellow, has returned to the fray over concern that the integrity of news dissemination is continually being threatened by a partisan media.


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