U.S.-China relations dominated attention at the recent G-20 Summit, a
little-noticed aspect was that Indonesia President Joko Widodo did not even
bother to attend. Vice President Jusuf Kalla represented him instead. Widodo
was the only head of state among the 20 to skip the meeting, but he offered no
explanation for his decision – nor did any Indonesian politicians or
commentators question the choice. The official presidential campaign that is
underway provides an excuse, but election day is still four months away. Widodo
has a massive lead and cavorting with world leaders could have provided
advantageous photo opportunities.
Indonesia, ambivalence about engaging in the international arena is even more
pronounced than usual, and this may explain Widodo’s absence. The president has
often appeared indifferent about foreign affairs, but now this attitude
increasingly applies to cabinet-level policymaking and the broader political
with the trade war prompting manufacturers to shift production bases elsewhere
in Asia, a prime opportunity now exists for Indonesia to attract sorely needed
investment. But, in fact, the giant of Southeast Asia ranks well down the list
of desirable destinations for capital in the region: as a proportion of GDP,
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) was larger in 2016-17 in Vietnam, the
Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia. FDI inflows have declined for two
successive quarters, according to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), and
they appear likely to fall again in the fourth quarter.
Ministry data shows that work permits for expatriates from key investor nations
– Japan, Korea, the United States, the U.K. and Australia – declined by 5
percent from 2012-18. This bodes ill for attracting the capital inflows that
Indonesia increasingly needs to fund its current account deficit. With mediocre
export performance and heavy dependence on imports (especially for fuel), FDI
is essential for preventing yet more currency depreciation in the years ahead.
foreigners continue to face difficulties in obtaining work permits. The process
remains convoluted, expensive, overly rigid and unpredictable. The president
ordered investor-friendly reforms in March 2018, but policymakers produced
changes that have proven largely inconsequential. (Ministry data shows soaring
numbers of work permits for Chinese nationals, but this increase is not
commensurate with increased investment flows from China and there is reason to
question the value added by the staffing practices of Chinese projects.)

with the adoption of the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), Indonesia’s
residency-based system of global taxation serves, in practice, to make the
country a highly uncompetitive place for expatriates to work, relative to
regional neighbors that are competing for capital. Policymakers are aware of
the problem, but Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has made no initiative
to address it.
reforms for better governance could go a long way to improving legal certainty,
lowering operating risks and improving investor sentiment. But Widodo has shown
scant interest in fundamental governance reform. To fill a recent vacancy in a
cabinet post that is crucial for bureaucratic performance, Widodo chose a
career police general (Syafruddin) with personal ties to Kalla – hardly a
choice that inspires confidence for addressing persistent dysfunctions in the
state apparatus.
a host of policies continue to mitigate against foreign investment. Overly
rigid labor regulations prioritize iron-clad job security for unionized
workers, who number no more than 10 million from a workforce of
approximately 120 million. In practice, strictures on hiring and firing
workers deters new investment that might create good jobs for the majority of
workers (58 percent as of 2017, according to Labor Ministry data) who
still toil in the informal sector, with no benefits or safeguards whatsoever.
The pernicious pro-union bias of the regulatory framework has been evident
since the Labor Law’s passage in 2003, but successive administrations have been
too fearful of union demonstrations to broach reform.

In the
resource sector, the complacency of policymaking is particularly stark. Foreign
mining companies must divest majority ownership within 10 years of commencing
operations, while also bundling mines with expensive and highly-polluting
smelters – conditions that run directly counter to commercial viability.
Widodo’s move to nationalize PT Freeport Indonesia (the world’s largest gold
mine and second-largest copper mine) exacerbates the investment climate,
especially considering that the state-owned purchaser, PT Inalum, will struggle
to fund its share of the mine’s vital $20 billion capital expansion.
coal-mining sector has benefited recently from buoyant prices, prompting
producers to undertake long-overdue investments in their operations. This has
apparently propped up levels of fixed-capital formation in the national
accounts, while driving an uptick in bank-credit growth (which reached 13 percent
year-on-year in October). But this price-induced trend may prove fleeting.
In the
oil-and-gas sector, policymakers have repeatedly rejected contract-extension
requests by foreign majors, in order to confer production on state-owned
Pertamina – despite its weak performance record and inadequate balance sheet.
These decisions have exacerbated sentiment that already suffered from an overly
cumbersome and inconsistent regulatory framework. Energy Ministry data through
the third quarter of this year suggest that upstream oil-and-gas investment is
on pace to decline for the fifth consecutive year.

With GDP
growth stuck on a plateau of 5 percent per annum, and with a large current
account deficit having weakened the currency, reforms to address business
conditions in key sectors would presumably be in order. Instead, the latest
phase of Widodo’s “Economic Policy Package” (previewed in early November and
still only partially implemented) is another damp squib.
A key
feature is an attempt by Indrawati to boost “pioneer industries,” such as tech
and heavy industry, by offering income-tax holidays that range up to 100
percent for 20 years. Arguably, this is overly generous. Common-sense reforms
for governance and institutions could achieve the same result by lowering
country risk, without sacrificing future government revenues. In effect,
Indrawati’s policy exemplifies how the administration neglects meaningful
reform and relies instead on (costly) palliatives.
The other
main feature of the package pertains to the so-called Negative Investment List
(DNI), which imposes foreign-ownership ceilings on varied sectors. A
long-awaited revision has faced delays, and in any event the proposed changes
disclosed by ministers constitute little more than tweaks. In particular, there
is no meaningful discussion about opening Indonesia’s decrepit education system
to increased foreign involvement – a change that is needed in order to better
equip Indonesia’s youth to function in a competitive economy.
To be
sure, Indonesia’s economy has certain highlights: tourism and e-commerce are
robust, while infrastructure development is making real progress. However, state
entities dominate the latter and funding constraints loom.
the most constructive policy in recent months emanated from the independent
central bank: Bank Indonesia (BI) removed debilitating prohibitions on hedging
local currency risk. (In the past, skeptics had denounced derivatives as a form
of malicious speculation.) BI’s introduction of a relatively easy-to-use
hedging instrument (the domestic non-deliverable forward, or “DNDF”) helps
reduce short-term demand for dollars, and this has coincided with a period of
improved rupiah stability. However, monetary instruments alone cannot steer
Indonesia’s economic course.

ambivalence applies not just to international engagement and economic
policymaking, but also to democratic pluralism. While strident Islamic groups
are making shows of strength, Widodo – along with the bulk of the political
elite – remain irresolute. In effect, Widodo is applying appeasement: early
last year, he sat idly by while police charged Indonesia’s most effective
reformer, Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama (known as Ahok), with blasphemy (he
is still in jail). This year, Widodo recruited a staunchly conservative
cleric – a chief accuser of Ahok– as his vice-presidential running mate. The
president has extended no support to Grace Natalie, chair of the small pro-Widodo
Solidarity Party (PSI), who faced police questioning for having declared that
her party opposes “Syariah by-laws” (regional-government decrees that enforce
religious behavior). Meanwhile, Widodo’s presidential-election opponent,
Gerindra Party Chair Prabowo Subianto, actively courts sectarian clerics, such
as the fugitive leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab. The
FPI and like-minded groups managed to mobilize approximately one million
supporters who descended on Central Jakarta on December 2 – a dramatic show of
force that has elevated FPI’s status and leverage.
Some may
attribute Widodo’s stances to electioneering, and argue that he will embark on
reforms after winning a likely second term. But this view overlooks the pattern
of Widodo’s appointments for strategic posts in recent months: The president
has persistently favored candidates linked to conventional (or discredited)
political elites – including elites whose support is clearly immaterial with
regard to re-nomination or re-election. His tendency to avoid reform, appease
fringe groups and align with elites has been growing gradually more pronounced
over the past two years. The once-enterprising regional head now rarely shows
signs of political courage, creativity or inspiration. Rather than an election
tactic, this appears to be an intrinsic transformation of his character. Rather
than improved policymaking, a second Widodo administration seems likely to
offer yet more dithering – which Indonesia can ill afford.
Indonesia’s demographic dividend is expiring and a middle-income trap is
rapidly approaching. Widodo seems likely to coast to re-election, and he can at
least offer stability, but another five years of erratic policymaking will be
costly in terms of opportunities squandered.
O’Rourke has been author of the Reformasi Weekly Service on Indonesian Politics
and Policymaking since 2003.
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