Om Swastiastu ...
Today is officially a holiday in Bali – declared so late last week by Bali's governor to allow the Balinese to go to the polls and elect new community leaders.
News in all the local papers this Monday are the growing flood of complaints about 2-4 hours plus delays at Bali's airport in what must make Indonesia the winner in an unenviable contest for the most complicated Boarder Control Management System this side of heaven.
Adding to those lines at the airport is the growing popularity of Bali as a holiday destination. Read this week's installment of "Bali by the Numbers" where there's reason to smile.
There's shocking news of the end of a decades old relationship: Japan Airlines has cancelled international air service to 15 overseas ports of call including Bali.
Another hot topic in Bali last week was an investigation into a group of young men found on Kuta beach and euphemistically known as "Kuta Cowboys." Read this week's edition to find out what's all the fuss about.
Other top news includes warnings of a coming water and agricultural crisis in Bali; the grounding over the weekend of a Java to Bali passenger ferry; a call by a property developer for better zoning rules; and coverage of a threat by travel agents to stop promoting Ubud due to a growing traffic problem.
Catch the announcement of a new resort in Seminyak set to open this December. There's news to make you smile about a group of dedicated people working at the "Smiles Foundation" (Yayasan Senyum), Bali's and government plans to give away solar panels to Balinese living outside the power grid. Read also about a man in Ubud who turns trash into valuable art.
Join me this Saturday at Envy at the Holiday Inn Baruna Resort for a fun-filled 2 hour Bar School.
Finally, catch this week's installment of "We Get Mail,"
I will be in Singapore for a brief visit in the coming few weeks. Drop me a line you'd like to get together and allow Bali Discovery to help your company with its Bali travel needs.
Read the full report at: http://www.balidiscovery.com/update/update712.asp
Om Çanti Çanti Çanti Om ...
J.M. Daniels - Bali Update
Bali Discovery Tours
The best place to stay if you are in the bali is seminyak bali hotel. It offers a good and quality services to all of the people and tourist that came by to witness the beautiful place of Bali.