President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) order on 23 March 2016 that the Masela Block
use an onshore Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) refinery ended six months of intrigue
— and years of delay — about
Indonesia’s largest offshore gas field. Rather than the floating plant (FLNG)
proposed by contractors Inpex and Royal Dutch Shell, gas will be piped to a
remote island in Maluku Province where it will be liquefied and used for industry.
Considering Indonesia’s growing resource nationalism, the order to use an onshore LNG
refinery is not surprising. Officials are optimistic that the development of the gas-rich block will
continue but admit commercial operations will be delayed until the late 2020s. Some believe the project is at risk amid low energy prices and a coming LNG glut.
The order also brings the curtain down on the war of words between
Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Rizal Ramli and Energy Minister Sudirman
Said. During the build-up Ramli, an ardent onshore supporter, lambasted the ‘independence’ of oil and gas regulators, while Said has
alleged manipulation by unnamed forces with ‘filthy intentions’.
Post-mortems about state-led commercial interventions too often
emphasise the importance of the ‘investment climate’, a platitudinous concept that assumes investment is always good and effective governments do what
investors want. More useful analysis takes stock of the political context,
including, for example, how a decision normally reserved for the energy
minister became a politicised free-for-all requiring presidential intervention.
Jokowi’s decision to act only after a prolonged period of instability
shows his instinct for the theatre, rather than mechanics, of
governance. A similar 2015 decision on the Mahakam gas project followed
comparable political infighting and left much unclear and no useful vision for resolution. Even the rolling
‘reform packages’ have tended towards vague and obscure changes, with slow implementation making
them more of a marketing exercise than an economic program.
More important for Masela is that Jokowi, swayed by the ‘multiplier effect’ for local industrial development and job
creation, likely chose the more costly option. Consistent with his emphasis of
development for eastern Indonesia, Jokowi believes that onshore development
will do more to help this remote and underdeveloped corner of the country.
But, though the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry claims ‘new
technology’ will make onshore development less expensive, all other studies suggest
it will take longer and be up to 50 per cent more expensive. Contractors have
themselves estimated onshore refining will cost US$22 billion — considerably higher than the expected US$15
billion for FLNG. A government-commissioned study also found that onshore
refining will have up to a 25 per cent lower rate of return, a possibility the Finance Ministry and Jokowi himself have conceded.
Some claim the relatively untested FLNG concept would have been prone to
cost blowouts. But this is true for resource projects of all varieties. What
distinguishes the more expensive, onshore option is upstream cost recovery, a longstanding feature of Indonesia’s Production Sharing
Contract that reimburses contractors’ exploration, development and production
costs from the government’s production share. Indonesia pays for and owns oil
and gas facilities; contractors are simply entitled to a share of production.
Cost recovery appears as a line item in the state budget and topped US$18
billion last year — exceeding the government’s production share for the first time.
This generates criticism and is not without its pitfalls
considering the elastic concept of ‘state losses’.
The point is not that there is no logic behind the decision to set down
an industrial footprint in an underdeveloped province in the hope that future
benefits will surpass the upfront cost. Indonesia’s leaders should make such
decisions where resources can be used to support complementary
industrialisation rather than simply filling the export coffers. If successful,
Masela could be a case study for boosting a developing economy through its
natural resources.
But if officials expect ‘spillovers’ to simply follow regulatory fiat, Masela risks becoming a white elephant amid an emerging energy crisis. Simply funnelling cheap, captive gas
to state fertiliser firms, or facilitating predatory local interests, will leave Indonesia worse off.
Wrong too are claims that onshore development means Indonesia will get more of
the gas. Domestic gas users are struggling with high prices and lack of supply, but this is the result of poor planning and inadequate domestic infrastructure. A FLNG with large volumes
earmarked for domestic consumers seems a less risky solution.
Jokowi’s decision also ignores the pressing risk created by Inpex’s contract extension. With commercial operations pushed
even closer to (or beyond) the contract’s 2028 expiry, Inpex might dig in
before committing more capital. In principle this could be simple: commit to
the government’s preferred onshore option and get the extension. It is rarely
so clear. Freeport, which is similarly pursuing a contract extension, agreed in 2014 to build a
US$2.3 billion copper smelter that will likely never turn a profit. It also
conceded to a 20 per cent divestment, higher royalties and to shift procurement to favoured state firms.
In the meantime, the president dithered, ministers battled and political
manoeuvres triggered a massive scandal that has made progress impossible for the foreseeable future. Hopefully the same mix of inadequate
leadership and political predation does not afflict the now-onshore Masela LNG
Matthew Busch is a PhD
candidate at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne.
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