The Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF)
grant round is now open. Applications can be submitted on-line until the
grants round closes at 4pm AEST Thursday 16 April 2015. Australian
organisations and individuals are invited to submit applications outlining
projects with clear goals and committed partners. Grants are usually in
the range of AUD20,000 to 30,000. This is seed funding, to catalyse
financial and in-kind commitments by other partners leading to longer term
The Foundation supports the development
and strengthening of enduring people-to-people relationships with Korea
covering four strategic areas: Geopolitical Relations; Economics and Trade;
Education, Science and Technology; Society, Culture, Arts, Sports and
In the context of the entering into
force of the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, in support of President
Park's Three Year Plan for Economic Innovation and with reference to the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's South Korea Country Strategy, the AKF
has designated the following priority areas for 2015-16.
Language and Literacy: Projects which develop the
language and cross-cultural skills of Australians to effectively engage with
Korea and deepen understanding of Korean society, politics and the economy.
Diplomacy: Projects which assist
Australian businesses, including small to medium enterprises, to maximise the
opportunities available under KAFTA and under President Park’s structural
reform agenda. Projects which strengthen relationships of national
professional institutions and facilitate Australian services exports to Korea.
Innovation: Projects which support
enduring linkages between Australian and Korea universities and research
institutions. Projects which promote commercialisation of Australian
research through partnerships with Korean entities. Of particular
interest are projects related to health, aging and social change.
Diplomacy: Projects harnessing major
sporting events, including supporting sporting and business relationships
between Australia and Korea developed through the 2015 Asian Cup and the
forthcoming 2018 Winter Olympics to be hosted by Korea.
Further information and on-line
application form:
AKF website www.dfat.gov.au/akf
AKF Secretariat, Ceri Teather, australia.korea@dfat.gov.au or
+61 2 6261 3869
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