Activists, the serious and real ones, never sleep. And they never run
out of ideas.
The youth activist group, Anakbayan (sons and daughters of the people),
may have scored another homerun with its latest dig against the powers that be.
After successfully inventing the wildly popular and entertaining
neologism and protest tactic called “noynoying” back in 2012, Anakbayan has now
come up with a witty and potent follow-up.
They have
given President Benigno Aquino 3rd a new title: “Thief executive.”
Just as
“noynoying” toyed around with the President’s nickname and work ethic, so this
time they have directed their wit and imagination at his official title of
“chief executive.”
By deftly
substituting the letter T for the letter C, they have come up with a potent
indictment of Aquino’s authorship and authorization of the Disbursement
Acceleration Program (DAP), which has illegally taken and probably malversed
P150 billion of the people’s money in the national treasury.
How far
will the new neologism fly?
I suspect
very high and very far. And it could last up to the very last day of the Aquino
To assess
the situation we are facing now, let’s look back a little at the phenomenon
called “noynoying.”
Noynoying takes the country by storm
As a piece of social history, “noynoying” was like a craze that took the nation by storm. Although started by the youth, adults and children also took up the varied poses and stances of noynoying, which were helped along by Anakbayan infographics online on how to do the noynoying.
As a piece of social history, “noynoying” was like a craze that took the nation by storm. Although started by the youth, adults and children also took up the varied poses and stances of noynoying, which were helped along by Anakbayan infographics online on how to do the noynoying.
you went in the metropolis you were bound to meet or see young people
performing the stunt. It was featured all over the media. Social media exploded
with photos of people hilariously doing it. Mothers coached their Kids on how
to perform it like the original.
protest tactic went viral when it acquired its own Facebook, Twitter and
Wikipedia pages, and received airtime on the country’s most watched news
media also gave noynoying a warm send-up. Giants like The Wall Street Journal,
France 24, BBC World Service, Los Angeles Times, and Al Jazeera—all provided
coverage and notoriety.
“Noynoying” was breathtakingly simple to do.
Protestors would sit around and stare into space, stifling yawns, in a mock
impersonation of President Aquino, whom critics accused of doing nothing
productive as the country’s leader.
was the unique Filipino adaptation of planking, the American lying down game,
which consisted of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location.
Filipino youth activists took hold of it, it became a something fun to behold—a
cross for the president to bear.
The first
documented use of noynoying dates back to October 2011,when the Manila Standard
used it in one column. The origins of noynoying as a protest device have been
associated with young members of the Filipino Left, particularly Anakbayan.
Vencer Crisostomo of Anakbayan provided a definition of noynoying: “It is doing
nothing when you have something (a task) to do.”
When the
tactic went viral, Malacanang propagandists tried to counter by releasing a
series of photos showing the president sorting papers, carrying folders,
chairing meetings and meeting dignitaries.
Led by
messaging secretary Ricky Carandang and his trolls, Palace communications tried
to sweep social media of traces and images of noynoying.
But they
could not stop the Internet meme and social craze from spreading. From Manila
to New York to Saudi Arabia, any place with a sizable Filipino community,
people were pictured “noynoying” with abandon.
showed what going viral in the digital age means.
for the president and the nation, the fever passed, as many tried to look more
I think
that time in our lives provided us with one enduring lesson. A fever like
noynoying will pass, but a tragedy like the Manila hostage crisis does not heal
as quickly. Leaders have to do more and better.
‘Thief executive’ as hands-on leadership
If noynoying sent the Palace into panic mode, “thief executive” has the potential to drive it to catatonia.
If noynoying sent the Palace into panic mode, “thief executive” has the potential to drive it to catatonia.
“noynoying” was essentially an attack on what was perceived to be a hands-off
and do-nothing presidency,
The line
of attack of “thief executive” is that President Aquino is 100 percent hands-on
and responsible in the P150-billion Disbursement Acceleration Program. He
authored and authorized the entire sordid swindle.
to budget officials, the President’s signature can be found in every
resolution, every order and every fund release in the program.
course, accusations are not proof, and indictments are not convictions
Officials, like ordinary citizens, are innocent until proven guilty.
somebody has to account for the P150 billion of people’s money that have
probably been stolen or wasted.
public, the independent media, and social media will not rest until Aquino,
Abad and other administration officials answer questions in an official inquiry
or trial.
This is
why the impeachment complaints in the House are so important. They will require
an official inquiry. If Speaker Belmonte declares again that the House will
strangle the complaints, and that impeachment is just a numbers game, he is
close to being declared an enemy of the people.
This is
why the sham inquiry into the DAP conducted by the Senate last Thursday was so
There we
had Budget Secretary Florencio Abad finally answering questions about the DAP
in the Senate, and all our senators did was throw softballs at him. Senate
President Franklin Drilon was beyond appalling; his purported questioning was a
shameless endorsement of the DAP – a thank you for the P500-700 million of DAP
money committed to his projects.
questions about the DAP, President Aquino will be in a bind. If he denies
authorship of the DAP, and points to Abad as the author and fires him (as his
close relatives and key members of his cabinet are advising), Abad will sing
like a canary-soprano. All the secrets will come out.
If Aquino
settles only on admitting to having authorized the program – and to signing
every paper regarding the DAP – he remains fully responsible for the program.
Even if
he is not impeachable now for the DAP, he will surely be liable for the illegal
and unconstitutional acts, when his term ends in 2016.
and congressional leaders are determined to strangle the complaints in
Congress. But saying cynically that impeachment is just “a numbers game” is
absolutely the wrong strategy for them to take. It fails to take into account
the degree of public anger against the DAP scandal. It stokes the fury of
disobedience and rebellion.
on the Richard Nixon Administration at the height of the Watergate scandal,
Barbara Tuchman wrote these telling words of why no president can escape
responsibility in his administration: “The administration, like any other, is
an entity, a whole for which the president is responsible and from which he is
indivisible. Its personnel were selected and appointed by him, its conduct
determined by him, its principles or lack of them – derived from him.”
In short,
the President is accountable. And if there is indeed thievery, as seems evident
from the disclosures so far on the DAP program, Aquino can be fairly called
“thief executive.”
The crime is also contempt for government
The biggest sin of Speaker Belmonte and Senate President Drilon is that, by their actions, they seek to stop further and thorough inquiry into the facts and the truth about the DAP. They seek to cover up mistakes of the president and the administration; they are deathly afraid of the complicity of their houses in the wholesale robbery of the people.
The biggest sin of Speaker Belmonte and Senate President Drilon is that, by their actions, they seek to stop further and thorough inquiry into the facts and the truth about the DAP. They seek to cover up mistakes of the president and the administration; they are deathly afraid of the complicity of their houses in the wholesale robbery of the people.
They want
to shovel under the rug the problems that have long infected our public life.
They do not want our people to know the truth.
brainy woman, Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter of Harvard Business School,
provides penetrating insight on how standards and competence falls apart in
people extol private companies for being better run and having stricter
standards than the government. But in fact, she says, we must meet a higher
standard for public service.
She warns
of the deep cynicism of the public about the work of government, and of the
contempt of national leaders for the functions of government. She wrote:
starts at the top, when bosses believe their organizations are mere instruments
of their own desires, to be exploited for themselves and their buddies.
Cynicism spreads, reducing morale, depressing performance, and repelling the
best people.”
means feeling free to subvert the instruments of government to one’s own ends…
means not having to reach high standards…
for government leads to crony appointments…
in words and deeds makes it hard to attract the best people to public service,
and demoralizes talented professionals already there.
leaders put their own interests over the institution and distort facts to get
what they want, their cynicism infects the public servants below them.”
Kanter could just as well be talking of President Aquino and his handling of
the DAP.
It will
be fun to watch how the saga of the “thief executive” plays in the coming
impeachment hearings in the House.
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