Wednesday, April 9, 2014


The Pickering Post reported last week: “Sharia Banking is also booming with the assistance of the NAB.... allowing the Islamist to give the finger to the infidel next door.” So today’s announcement that the NAB is pouring a further $15 million into its Sharia banking arm led me to search for more information. 

Alas, the NAB had suffered a torrent of abuse with current clients closing their accounts. 

Each on-line newspaper was forced to pull the page under the NAB’s threat of withdrawing advertising if the story wasn’t spiked.

What’s going on with mobs like the NAB and the Bank of Bendigo which has closed the account of “The Bendigo Mosque Protest Group”. 

The concerned community of Bendigo was given short shrift by its bank after the Islamic pro-mosque group demanded the closure of the protest group's account, threatening to take finance for their $3 million mosque elsewhere. 

Has Section 18C political correctness gone completely mad?

Food processing companies are capitulating to Halal Certification demands and paying fees that are passed on to Aussie shoppers.

So we Aussies, whether we want to or not, are financing Islamic bigotry and violence both here and in Syria. 

Don’t Australian companies understand the vast majority of Australians are against Islamic separatist ghettos using the barbaric Sharia law as an alternative to our law?

Do Australian companies endorse wife beating, the amputation of limbs, beheading of non-believers, child marriage, sexual mutilation of young girls and paedophilia? Because that’s what Sharia law demands! 

Don’t they see the ever-increasing number of innocent young Aussie girls being bashed and raped by Islamic cowards who use the excuse of “cultural difference” to escape jail sentences from Leftist magistrates?

Don't they understand the rape of a non-Islamic female is legal under Sharia law?

“Men of Middle-Eastern appearance” is the only description the 18C-shy media will dare use. 

For Christ’s sake we have just lost 40 of our young men trying to rid Afghanistan of the Sharia law curse while our PC banks and companies continue to promote it!

Haven’t they noted the disastrous European experience of Islam?

Australia’s taste of the despicable Sharia “culture” is coincidental with the influx of tens of thousands of unprocessed, illegal Islamic immigrants, courtesy of Rudd’s and Gillard’s open border policy.

Section 18C of the Immigration Act seeks to prevent the marginalisation of different cultures. 

Instead it is marginalising our Australian culture

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